DofE Award

The DofE Award at Ballymoney High School

The award is for students from age 14 – 24.

There are 3 Award Levels.

The Bronze award is completed by year 10 students.

The Silver award is completed by year 11 and 12 students.

In the future we hope to have the Gold Award for our Sixth Form students.

What is the Duke of Edinburgh Award?

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a worldwide scheme and requires significant commitment to complete and achieve it.  There are 4 areas which need to be covered:

  • Develop a new Skill

  • Volunteer in the community

  • Physical Activity

  • Expedition – Bronze (2 days); Silver (3 days); Gold (4 days)

Why do it?

  • Make new friends

  • Push yourself to try something new

  • Gain confidence.

  • The award is highly respected by employers and is an asset to your CV

  • It gives you lots of experience which you can talk about in job interviews

  • Makes you stand out from the crowd.

Certification in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland students will receive the Joint Award Initiative Welcome pack.  Here students can choose which certificate they receive when they complete the award.

  • Duke of Edinburgh Award

  • Gaisce – The President’s Award

  • Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award