Vision and Aims
Our School Aims
Ballymoney High School aims to enrich lives and make a difference by creating a welcoming and child-centred learning environment where we:
Raise the aspirations and expectations of each individual within our school community promoting a ‘can do’ attitude where everyone is enabled to achieve their personal best;
Celebrate success and individuality encouraging each individual to build on their strengths, develop a sense of positive self-worth, self-belief, confidence, generosity of spirit and a readiness to learn and grow;
Provide a happy, safe and caring environment which fosters each individual’s physical, mental and emotional well-being enabling them to make positive life choices and to feel a sense of belonging and engagement;
Create a well- ordered and friendly community where relationships are positive and founded on courtesy, mutual respect and team work;
Provide high quality learning and teaching which is personalised to support and challenge all regardless of ability and gives extensive opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding and the ability to think logically, work independently, communicate effectively, be creative and handle information confidently in a world of rapidly changing technologies;
Offer pupils a curriculum that is broad, balanced and relevant to their needs and those of society equipping and enabling them to be resilient, resourceful, responsible, reflective, respectful individuals who are ready to make a positive contribution to society, to achieve economic well-being and to meet the challenges of the future;
Promote an inclusive school community where there is equality of opportunity and respect for diversity regardless of ability, gender, sexuality, culture, race or background;
Develop a knowledge of and commitment to Christian and moral values through the promotion of Love, Thoughtfulness, Self Control, Truthfulness and Perseverance. These qualities will encourage a deeper respect towards God and creation.
Work closely with parents, governors and the wider community to develop strong partnerships, a sense of pride in the school a community committed to learning and achieving together;
Develop a culture of self-reflection that promotes continuous improvement and the highest standards of achievement and conduct in a 21st century learning environment.