Personal Learning
Personalised Learning
At Ballymoney High School we recognise that all pupils are individuals with their own aspirations and learning styles. In order to help our pupils attain their full potential we encourage them to:
Set personal targets with short and long-term goals;
Engage in regular self-evaluation of their progress;
Identify personal strengths and areas for improvement;
Review their personal targets with their subject teachers and form teachers;
Engage positively with the Mentoring Process;
Attend additional support clubs or classes, if invited.
As a school we make effective use of a range of data to:
Identify each pupil’s level of attainment at the beginning of each year;
Predict each pupil’s potential level of achievement at the end of each Key Stage;
Track each pupil’s level of progress;
Identify underachievement and implement a range of intervention strategies;
Write Education Plans for individual pupils who require additional support. This involves setting targets and working with the pupils to achieve them;
Supporting Learning
Achievement and Inclusion for all pupils is actively promoted at Ballymoney High School. We do this by striving to provide, where possible, additional support to those pupils who require it, to ensure they too reach their full potential across all subject areas. Our staff work hard to ensure that all pupils have a positive learning experience in all aspects of school life.
All teachers differentiate work or tasks within and across classes in order to ensure that all pupils can access the curriculum.
Dyslexic Friendly School
All staff provide a Dyslexic Friendly Classroom by using various strategies in their teaching to ensure learning takes place for all pupils. These strategies help remove barriers to learning for all pupils so that they are working to the best of their ability across the curriculum.
Literacy and Numeracy Support
We have Literacy and Numeracy small group support classes organised by our Literacy and Numeracy co-ordinators. Furthermore, where more individualised support is required, pupils receive individual support in these areas for a period of time if necessary.
We offer Reading Partnership within school, which is one to one reading support with a Learning Support Assistant for one period per week throughout the school year.
Some of our senior pupil peer mentors are involved in helping our Year 8 pupils in a reading partnership scheme.
In Class Support
Where appropriate, pupils are supported in their learning through in class support provided by our highly committed Learning Support Assistants. This is provided in a discrete manner to ensure inclusion for all pupils.
Gifted and talented
We recognise each pupil as a unique individual with their own gifts and talents and are committed to developing their full potential. Whilst all pupils are equally valued for their gifts and talents, we at Ballymoney High School aim to recognise and develop those pupils who achieve, or have the potential to achieve, significantly above average. Gifted and talented pupils are identified as those who excel in one or more of the following areas:
Academic achievement
Performing arts
Creative thinking or expression
As a school we promote the interests of gifted and talented pupils through:
a strong emphasis on personalised learning;
high quality learning and teaching with an emphasis on differentiation to provided extended learning opportunities;
access to a wide range of visiting speakers and educational visits;
creating a culture of high expectation and aspirations;
participation in community music events;
membership of sports’ teams,
participation in sporting competitions and regional sporting trials;
participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme;
participation in volunteering programmes;
opportunities within the pastoral system to promote leaderships skills e.g. Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies, Prefects, Peer Mentors, Form Captains, School Council, Pupil Well-being Ambassadors and the House System.
Intervention strategies
We assist pupils in overcoming any barriers to learning. Pupils work hard alongside their teachers to retrieve prior learning.
After every assessment window pupils self-evaluate their assessments and set SMART targets for future learning. This is all part of the process of ‘filling the gap’.